
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Benefits Of Rooting Your Android Device

Benefits Of Rooting Your Android Device

Rooting Your Android Device
Google’s Android is open, customizable and a highly versatile operating system compared to other mobile OSes. And rooting it allows users complete control on their devices. However, you may wonder as to what rooting your Android device involves and what are the benefits in doing so. First, it is essential to understand what rooting is all about.

For the uninitiated, rooting gives users root permission and access to their devices. Rooting also gives the users the ability to tweak the settings on their phones, flash custom ROMs on the phone for adding additional features, as well as modify the software on the device. However, rooting is not everyone’s cup of tea, but it can be done successfully provided the users follow the rooting instructions for their device carefully.

A thing to note is that with different kinds of Android phones available, the same rooting technique may not work for all. So before rooting, users need to ascertain whether or not a particular rooting method will actually work for their devices. Users should also know that doing so will void the manufacturer’s warranty on your device and there is a small chance that improper rooting can also damage the phone permanently. Nonetheless, there are still plenty of benefits to rooting your phone and it is a risk definitely worth taking.

Flash a custom ROM:

This is one of the best benefits of rooting an Android device. In simple terms, a custom ROM is a modified version of Android that users can install if they are not happy with the Android version that their device comes with. Adding a custom ROM adds more unique and convenient features to the phone that are not usually seen on their devices. Samsung devices are usually the most rooted of all, as users want to use stock Android ROMs that are much more agile than Samsung’s TouchWiz skin.

Flash a custom kernel:

A kernel allows apps on the phone to communicate directly with the hardware of the phone. A custom kernel helps improve the performance of the phone, enhance battery life, speed up battery charging, and also add advanced features such as Wi-Fi tethering on certain phones that do not come with this option.

Tweak under the hood settings: Users can tweak every little feature of their phone including customizing the keyboard layout, enhancing multitasking functionality, increasing the scrolling speed as well as adding interesting themes to the phone. Basically, rooting allows users to reach into the darkest corners of their phones and make the most of the changes that are possible.

Remove bloatware:

This is one of the best reasons for rooting. Often the phones are preloaded with software and apps that one does not use. These programs not only occupy the onboard memory, but can also drain the battery. Before uninstalling any apps, users should confirm that those apps are not vital to efficient functioning of their phones.


Having a backup of crucial data and settings is highly recommended. Should a user want to migrate to a new Android handset or wishes to restore the deleted data to the current handset for any reason, then a backup must be readily available. This is also helpful even if the user is not rooting his/her device.

Apart from these benefits, rooting also helps to block annoying ads that appear in apps, boost the speed and battery life of the phone, automate everything as well as unlock certain hidden features in the device and install certain apps that are otherwise considered as incompatible.

How To Use Google Analytics

How To Use Google Analytics

How To Use Google Analytics

What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is an online tool that assists in collecting detailed data about website visitors. Once the Google analytics script is added to website source code, it is possible to track website traffic, traffic sources, as well as conversion rates and sales. Google Analytics is mainly designed to aid marketers and webmasters. As a basic service, it is available for free. The advanced version is available for some monthly fee. Advanced version provides many additional information than the basic version. Website owner must allow Google Analytics cookies in order to collect information.

How Google Analytics can help?

Google Analytics tool helps to track AdWords campaign and also to boost online marketing campaigns. Once a person has visits a website, Google analytics tool uses access logs to store visitors data on the server. The information is then analyzed in a particular way once it has been stored. Part of the information includes the time and date of visit, the browser type on the visitor’s end, and the operating system, just to mention a few.

Google Analytics tool has been applied to determine the number of visitors coming to a site. But this is just one feature that may not reveal what people do once they come to the site. Thus, it becomes necessary to track the pages they visit once they land on the website.

Online advertisements and marketing campaigns can be tracked through Google Analytics tool. Thanks to its ability to track visitor’s path through HTTP connections. People who know more about HTTP connections understand that it is simply a way through which computers communicate with each other.

Google Analytics can also help people calculate the following:
  • Visit depth
  • Bounce rates
  • Repeat visitors
  • Bounce rates
  • Website loyalty, among other things
  • Lead generation
  • Sales
Google Analytics works for SEO because it is easy to use. It is possible to define a range of data when viewing statistics in different categories. Webmaster can navigate from general to more specific data on the tool. Google analytics also shows from where the visitors came from. Which also includes the Keywords they have used to find the site. This particular option is very important to rank higher in search engines for any particular keyword. However, the most important contribution of Google Analytics in Seo is to help website owners improve their marketing campaigns, advertisements and website visits by using statistics.

Google provides an improved version of Google Analytics tool, which can track even short activities on a particular website. It also loads faster. It is called Real time data. You can access visitors flow, number of visitors on site and many other useful data in real time using this new feature. It is possible to see where visitors are coming from, where they arrive and at what point they leave. Thus, by paying attention to each of the pages, webmaster can make necessary adjustments. This would result to more sales or conversion rates.

From the above discussion we can come to the conclusion that Google analytics has made the life of webmasters and marketers more easier. Read more information on Google Analytics here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Analytics

How to download YouTube Video, MP3, Playlist for iPhone 5S and 5C For Free

How to download YouTube Video, MP3, Playlist for iPhone 5S and 5C For Free

Finally, iPhone 5s and iPhone 5 C have been released. If you are about to get your new Apple product, you might be interested how to fill it with your favorite songs and video clips. That’s where you need a good and free YouTube Converter. Let’s learn how it works.

First of all, let’s install free software that will help you. I recommend Freemake YouTube Converter because it can download various YouTube files such as video, songs, playlists and so on.

Click “Download” button on a site to start the downloading process. Then start the installation. Please, be attentive. The software will offer you to install some other programs. If you don’t want to have them on your PC, opt out of any offers. However, it’s the only disadvantage of Freemake YouTube Converter.

If you download YouTube on a regular basis, agree to install a special browser extension. It will let you grab YouTube in one click.

As soon as you are done with the installation, run the software. As you see the interface looks pretty much easy to use. Everything you need to do it to copy and paste YouTube link into it.

FreeMake Youtube Convertor

Now choose what you want to do:

1) Download YouTube video:

When you paste the link into the program, choose a desirable video quality and “Convert to iPhone/iPod” option. Click “Download&Convert” to save videos onto a PC.

Download Youtube Video

2) Download YouTube song:

Paste a link to music video that you want to save in MP3. Again, choose a quality and “Convert to MP3” option. Select “Export to iTunes” if you want to send new files right to your iTunes media library.

Download Youtube Audio

3) Download YouTube playlist, channel, favorites:

Go to YouTube playlist or channel you want to download and copy its link. Paste in into the software and choose if you want to save the playlist in MP3 or as video files. Don’t forget to select “Export to iTunes”.

Download Youtube Playlist

Now, when you have all the content you need, go to iTunes and synchronize it with your iPhone 5S or 5C.


1) For those who download YouTube on a regular basis, it’s better use “one-click” download mode. Activate it in the top right corner of the software. Choose “Action” (download, convert to…), “Quality

(best, medium, low) and “Destination” folder.

Download Youtube Video

2) In case you have a slow Internet connection, you may limit download speed. Just click “speed” at the bottom of the software and choose the speed you need. 

Making Money With YouTube

Making Money With YouTube

Making Money With YouTube

Previously we have published an article on "Learn How To Create YouTube Videos With These Three Tips For Beginners" followed by that here is an article for you which explains how to convert your videos into money making machine.

Many people have been turning to YouTube over the past few years to make a little extra income on the side. Others, have been able to make a full-time business out of uploading videos to YouTube. Odds are, that if you are good at doing something, and you make an informative video about it, then people will watch.

What Makes A Good Video?

One of the most popular types of videos on YouTube are makeup tutorials. Many people make a living out of filming their makeup habits. Whether it's a makeup tutorial, a makeup haul, or a how-to video, there are so many different types of videos being uploaded every day, and just as many people are watching them.

Other types of popular videos are pregnancy blogs, day-in-the-life-videos, video diaries, and music videos - such as cover songs, karaoke songs, or ones which have their lyrics posted along with the song.

Monetization Counts:

Once a YouTube channel earns subscribers you can begin to monetize your videos. For each person who clicks to watch your video, they will have to watch a short clip of a commercial before your video begins playing. Each time a commercial plays, you will earn money. The more subscribers you have on your channel, and the more people who watch your videos, the more money you can make.

If your channel becomes very popular, sponsors will start to take notice. You many even start receiving free samples from the companies. When a sample is sent to someone who has a YouTube channel, it usually relates to the topic of conversation. Many sponsors will send you free items and ask you to give them a brief mention in your video, or even ask you to do a full review.

Once you have gained sponsor attention they might even pay you for your services. If you refer enough people to their company, they will give you a percentage of credit for every new customer gained.

Now, its important to remember when creating a YouTube channel that you must own all of the information you are sharing with your viewers. You can't include any music that is copyrighted, or protected by its owner. Also, your videos will have to be original and not copied from any other source.

Share On Social Media:

Sharring Your YouTube Videos on Social Media.
Image credit MyBlogGuest.com
Another great idea is to share your YouTube videos over social media. This will help you to gain new subscribers and viewers. You might even think of hosting a giveaway. By offering something to your viewers, you can ask them to like and subscribe to your videos in return for an entry into the giveaway. You may also ask them to share your videos across social media as a bonus entry, which will help you gain even more subscribers. You could host a giveaway once every month or so - this will keep your audience coming back to your channel in hopes to win something for participating.

When you have acquired a large viewing audience, YouTube may even approach you to be featured on their front page. This will showcase your channel to millions of YouTube viewers world-wide. As your fan-base grows, so will your income.

It doesn't take much to get started earning money from YouTube. All you basically need is a camera, some good lighting, and a great topic to talk about, or teach others how to do. It's also important to be comfortable talking into your camera. If you aren't able to explain exactly what you are doing in your video, then others might not be able to follow along. Your video should be interesting and keep your audience entertained at all times. Lastly, remember to have fun!

Free HTML Encoder Tool

Free HTML Encoder Tool

HTML Encoder By DailyTipsNdTricks

Do you like this tool? Are you intrested in adding it to your blog or website just copy the below code. Select New Post in blogger and in the Html section delete everything and paste this code. That's It!
<center><span style="font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;"><small><a href="http://dailytipsndtricks.blogspot.com/2012/08/free-html-encoder-tool_20.html" target="_blank">HTML Encoder</a> By <a href="http://dailytipsndtricks.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">DailyTipsNdTricks</a></small><br /> </span></center> <script src="http://kangismet.net/js/adsencoder.js" type="text/javascript"> </script><span style="font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;"><br /> </span><center><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 500px;"><tbody> <tr> <td valign="top" width="500"><span style="font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;"><textarea cols="70" id="somewhere" rows="13" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(250, 250, 250); border: 2px solid rgb(204, 204, 204);"></textarea></span><br /> <left><span style="font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;"><input onclick="convert();" type="button" value="Encode" /></span></left></td> </tr> </tbody></table></center>

Work at Home

Work at Home Opportunities

Work at Home Opportunities
We all want to live financially secure which is why we tend to get more jobs than the usual. Sometimes, we have an 8 hour job and take up another shift at another job. But, there are other ways for you to earn money. These options are far less complicated and far better for your health than working 16 hours a day. The internet is a vast landscape full of opportunities. These opportunities come in varied sizes and shapes. One can even become a company owner by just working over the internet. Here are some of the home revenue opportunities you can get by working over the internet.

1. Web Marketer:

More and more businesses now use the internet to sell their products. This is the right time for you to brush up on your marketing skills and take this job to make more sales over the internet. The best thing about it is that you do not have to face the person in real time. You only persuade the person through chat or email which erases the complications brought by first impressions or physical attributes. Gone are the days when you feel awkward at talking in front of people. Aside from that, you are also compensated handsomely if you tend to reach your quota either on a weekly or monthly basis.

2. Blogging:

Another way of earning money with the use of the internet is through blogging. If you love to write aboutdifferent things, then you need to set up your own blog site and start blogging. Publish your blogs and make sure that it is at the front page so that people can actually notice it. The more blogs you posts, the more people will read it. The more people reading your blogs, the more traffic it drives hence you get more money out of it since online ads will happily pay you for advertising their products. Just make sure that you have readable and high quality content. Never try to copy from anyone from the web.

Have a look at: 6 simple ways to earn money from home!

3. Home Based Business:

This may be the best option for you to earn more cash. Set up a home based business and start promoting it through the use of social networking sites. There are no restrictions to home based business. You save a hefty amount of money by putting up a website rather than establishing a store down the street. You also save even more money since you do not have to hire employees to work for you. You can sell different items or put them up for auction on different websites. The thing about home based business is that it needs to have proper attention and visibility. People need to know that you are in the business which is why marketing and promotion is the key factor to a successful home based business.

4. Online Job:

More and more people are catching up to the current trend of working online. There are millions of businesses and offices out there that outsource their workload to talented people all over the world. If you have the right skills for the job, take the opportunity to earn extra cash by improving your skills and dominate the marketplace for this type of workforce. It may seem competitive at first but if you have the right set of skills and the right amount of attitude, you can easily fly above the competition and earn more than a thousand dollars a month. You can even start your own team and get even more projects to work on and you get all the profits as the team leader. The best thing about it is that you only work at the comforts of your own home.

Secure Password Generator

Secure Password Generator

Password Generator generates the most secure passwords randomly for your personal or anyother use. The password generated are 100% secure one and cannot be easily cracked by anytype of hackers!

Recommended: Do Password Strength Meters Actually Work?

How To Check Your Remote Control Using Your Mobile's Camera

How To Check Your Remote Control Using Your Mobile's Camera

Hi friends Iam back with a new trick. Yesterday i struck with a problem (i.e) My TV remote is not working I replaced the battery of my remote but eventhough it is not working. Then i thaught that there would be some problem with my remotes circuit. I just tried to search for these problems online. Unfortunately i came with a trick to check my remote's control using mobile's camera. After doing this trick only i came to realize that there was some problem with my TV and not with my Remote.

Here is what i did:

  • Open the Camera on you mobile.
  • Then keep your remote's head near the camera.
  • Then press the remote's buttons you can see the light ray visible on your mobile's camera (If your remote is working)

See the screenshots below:

How To Check Your Remote Control Using Your Mobile's Camera

How To Check Your Remote Control Using Your Mobile's Camera

How it works:

  • The 'Infra-Red' light that comes from a remote is usually invisible........ until viewed digitally.
  • Just look at a Digital camera LCD display whilst getting someone to use the remote aimed at the camera.
  • You should see little flashes of White light. This works best close-up, in a darkened room.
  • (You could also use a camcorder, and of course any mobile phone with a camera. Try it!)
  • If you dont have a digital camera, just operate the remote near the aerial of a radio, switched to AM or MW. (but not FM.)
  • You should hear a blip, or pulsing sound if your remote if functioning properly.

Make Free Phone Calls Online

If you would like to make a call to your friend or family without paying for it then you are at right place. Here are the list of sites by which you can make calls online for free.

Here are the sites:

1.) fCall:

You need to sign up and enter your phone number. You will get the password on your mobile to login into that site! After logging in you are allowed to make free calls from internet to any mobile.

The only limitation is, fCall works only in India!

This is another exiting site to make free phone calls online for free. I think it allows 2 free calls daily. Check it yourself. Have fun.....

3.) Free Tring:

With free tring you can make free calls by earning credits by completing Offers, Daily deals, Watching Videos and Referring people.

4.) Jajah:

You have 5 minutes of free calls after registration.

5.) Voipstunt:

You have to register and download the software. You can make free calls to the destinations listed in the screenshot below, but only with duration of up to 1 minute.

6.) Rebtel:

You need to register and download one of the applications: iPhone, Android, Blackberry or PC. You can make free phone calls to other Rebtel users and cheap calls to other phone numbers.

7.) call2friend

You have to register and download the software. You can make free calls to the destinations listed in the screenshot below, but only with duration of up to 15 minute.

How To Boot Ubuntu From A USB Flash Drive

Below are the three methods, that can be adopted to boot Ubuntu OS from a USB Flash Drive!

Option 1: Boot Ubuntu as a Live CD from a USB Flash Drive

Use this option to install Ubuntu as a Live Install, which allows you to boot from the USB flash drive in Ubuntu, experience the Linux environment but will not retain any changes or settings after you shut down. This is a great way to get a feel for the OS, test some of it's capabilities as well as typical hardware compatibility.

Programs you may need to download:
  1. Ubuntu 10.04 Live CD ISO available at ubuntu.com.
  2. Universal USB Installer available at pendrivelinux.com.

What you will need:
  1. Computer Running Windows XP/Vista/7.
  2. Fat32 Formatted USB 2.0 Flash Drive, at least 1GB.
  3. PC with a Bios that can boot from USB.

Now with all of the necessary components in place, we can begin to setup our Ubuntu Live USB Drive,
  1. Run the Universal USB Installer by Pendrivelinux.com that you downloaded earlier.
  2. Choose Ubuntu 9.10/10.04.1 Desktop i386.
  3. Select the Ubuntu Live CD that you downloaded earlier.
  4. Choose your Flash Drive.
  5. In this instance, we are going leave the persistence option unchecked.

This can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 30 minutes depending on the speed of your system. At one point the progress bar will freeze until it is done, and this is the lengthiest wait of the process.

Once complete, you can reboot your computer with the USB flash drive in the USB port, press F12 for the Boot Menu and choose the removable media to boot from and you are in.

As this is a Live USB, any changes you make to the Ubuntu environment will not persist through a reboot. This is because running in this mode, Ubuntu uses available RAM in place of Swap and Hard Disk space. This option also contains the install files needed to install Ubuntu directly to your desktop if you should so desire.

Option 2: Boot Ubuntu as a Live CD with Persistence from a USB Flash Drive

This option will install Ubuntu Linux onto your flash drive with an area for persistent storage. You will be able to restart the computer, boot back into the Linux environment and all settings or changes made previously will persist.

Note: This option is particularly hard on Flash Memory, as there can be quite a bit of reading and writing to the Flash Memory.

What you will need:
  1. Computer Running Windows XP/Vista/7.
  2. Fat32 Formatted USB 2.0 Flash Drive, at least 2GB.
  3. PC with a Bios that can boot from USB.

Now with all of the necessary components in place, we can begin to setup our Ubuntu Live USB Drive,
  1. Run the Universal USB Installer by Pendrivelinux.com that you downloaded earlier.
  2. Choose Ubuntu 9.10/10.04.1 Desktop i386.
  3. Select the Ubuntu Live CD that you downloaded earlier.
  4. Choose your Flash Drive.
  5. Select the Persistence Option of 1GB Casper-RW.

This can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 30 minutes depending on the speed of your system. At one point the progress bar will freeze until it is done, and this is the lengthiest wait of the process.

Once complete, you can reboot your computer with the USB flash drive in the USB port, press F12 for the Boot Menu and choose the removable media to boot from and you are in.

As this is a Live USB with Persistence, any changes you make to the Ubuntu environment will keep through a reboot. This option also contains the install files needed to install Ubuntu directly to your desktop if you should so desire.

Option 3: Install Ubuntu directly to a USB flash Drive

This option works through installing Ubuntu to the flash drive as a complete installation. It does not retain the installation files to install on another system. This will allow you to use Ubuntu exactly as if it were installed alone on the hard disk. You can boot from it with any computer that can boot from a USB flash drive.

Note: This method requires that you disable your hard drive in BIOS to prevent overwriting your current operating system and force the install onto the USB drive.

What you will need:
  1. USB 2.0 Flash Drive, at least 4GB.
  2. PC with a BIOS that can boot from USB.
  3. Blank CD.
  4. A Computer with the ability to Burn CD/DVD.

Now with all of the necessary components in place, we can begin the process,
  1. First, you will need to burn your Ubuntu ISO to CD using a program like ImgBurn available atImgBurn.com.
  2. Boot your computer and press F2 to enter the system BIOS. Within here you will want to disable your Hard Drive. If this is not an option in your BIOS, I would suggest shutting down your computer and unplugging the power and data cables from your hard drive before proceeding. Note: If you choose not to disable your hard drive, you run the risk of installing Ubuntu on top of your current OS and can lose valuable information.
  3. After you have disabled your hard drive, place the Ubuntu Live CD into your computer and boot from this.
  4. At the initial boot screen, choose to try Ubuntu, not install.
  5. Once Ubuntu loads, plug in the desired flash drive into the computer.
  6. Now, double click on the Install Ubuntu icon that appears on the desktop.
  7. The first 3 screens are language, time zone, and keyboard layout.
  8. Now Ubuntu will notify you that there is a disk mounted, and asks to unmount it. This is your flash drive. Give it permission to unmount.
  9. This is the prepare disk space screen. I chose to leave mine at default and let the installer handle the partitions needed by Linux.
  10. Now you will see the login and user information screen.
  11. Now you are ready to install, click install.
  12. At one point during the installation, you may notice a skip button appear on the bottom left. This is to skip the auto update, and finally the language packs. I chose to skip language packs update.
  13. This may take a while, mine took atbout 35 minutes to complete. When it is done, eject the disk and shut down the computer. Plug your hard drive back in if necessary, or boot your computer into bios and re-enable it. Reboot your computer and press F12 to enter the boot menu, choose the flash drive and boot into Ubuntu.

Most Secure Web Browser

What Is The Most Secure Web Browser For 2014

What Is The Most Secure Web Browser For 2013

Web browsers are the gateways to the Internet. Once exploited, they become the primary vectors for breaking into computer systems and infecting them with malicious programs. One of the most popular means of breaching security barriers and compromising sensitive data over the Internet is via phishing attacks. Malicious URLs linking to phishing sites has been on the rise over the years. For instance more than 50,000 phishing sites were discovered per month in the last year alone. Another major threat is malware, including viruses, worms, Trojans etc that makes your system a prey of a remote predator. As the gateways to the Internet the browsers are bound to protect your systems from these types of online threats. Therefore they implement numerous security work-outs behind the curtains without relying on security barriers of the OS and antivirus software. Following is a comprehensive discussion about the security features on major web browsers seen today.

Internet Explorer 10 Security:

             Over the past couple of years Internet Explorer continued to tarnish its reputation over numerous bugs and vulnerabilities amidst a fierce competition lead by Google Chrome and Mozilla Firebox. However with the new IE 10 launched exclusively for Windows 8 (It supports Windows 7 as well) the software giant strives hard to regain the top notch spot it once enjoyed. Microsoft has introduced several security upgrades to the IE9 in creating the browser destined to serve Windows 8. Enhanced Protected Mode for example restricts browser’s access rights to the other applications to provide an additional layer of protection.

            Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) introduced with Windows Vista has been tweaked and renamed ForceASLR, and addresses memory related vulnerabilities often exploited by socially engineered malware. Windows 8 kernel includes ForceASLR protection out of the box, and Windows 7 users can enable the feature via an update. InPrivate Browsing enables the users to browse in private, as the browser does not store browsing history, cookies, temporary internet files, user names and passwords etc during a browsing session. Recently NSS Labs on their review on browser security published that Internet Explorer 10 has a malware blocking rate of 99.1% and Phishing URL blocking rate of 92%.
Recommended For You: Attributes Of A Great Web Browser For Students!

Google Chrome Security:

            Behind the curtains web browsers implement numerous strategies for keeping away malicious code snippets breaking into your system and compromising your data. The Sandbox feature is one such precautionary methodology found in Chrome. This lets a particular application run in an isolated environment without impacting other processes. Based on multi-processor architecture adapted by Chrome, processes such as HTML rendering and handling JavaScript are done in secure, isolated environments protecting your System. However this doesn’t mean Chrome is invincible. Last year a group of French hackers of VUPEN managed to crack this sandbox feature successfully.

            According to a research conducted by NSS Labs reviewing security features of popular web browsers, Chrome had a malware blocking rate of 70.4% backed by Google’s Malicious Download Protection although this lagged behind the 99.1% of Internet Explorer 10. Chrome has also excelled above the rivals in blocking phishing URLs. Just In Time Hardening (JIT) and Plug-In Security too add plus ones to the chromium camp as these features prevent malicious code snippets taking control over your system behind your back.

Mozilla Firefox Security:

             Firefox too is blessed with numerous security features to keep the users safe from exploits and attacks. Site Identity Button provides an overview of the reputation of the website, owners of the website, whether it’s a verified site etc. enabling you to stay away from suspicious sites that could potentially harm your PC. Private Browsing makes browser forget the web history, user names, passwords, cookies etc while Do-not-track feature enables users to inform web sites not to track their behaviors on the sites. However it should be noted that you are only requesting from the websites not to keep tabs on you, adhering to that is entirely up to the website. Firefox is able to mitigate cross site scripting(XCC) attacks using the content secure policy it has adapted to communicate with the website to filter legitimate content.

            Firefox enjoys automatic updates, therefore users always get to enjoy the latest and most stable version of the software without having to manually update. Blocking of phishing attacks, detecting outdated plug-ins and blocking malware integrating with the anti-virus software installed on your PC are some of the key security features of the browser. However blocking rate of malware attacks by the browser itself is very poor, recording around 4.2% compared to the 99.1% of Internet Explorer 10 and 70.4% of chrome. That being said you are at the mercy of your anti-virus software when malware downloaded into the computer is concerned.

Opera Security:

             Considering the leading rivals Opera is a tiny competitor in the browser arena, with a market share of around 4% or less. However that doesn’t necessarily mean it doesn’t have what it takes to go head to head with the bigger players like Chrome and Internet Explorer. Security-wise Opera too offers a decent set of features to protect its users against attacks. Blocking of malware and phishing URLs is one of the foremost tasks of any browser today, and Opera too protects the users from malicious web pages by automatically scanning the web pages against its huge database of known malware and phishing sites. Opera also allows users to enable do-not-track options and control the right to access geographical location details. Another novel feature is the option to control access rights to the web camera when surfing on social media web sites. Private browsing mode or private tabs feature erases web history, cookies, temporary internet files etc during a private session. Opera scores few points offering 256 bit encryption and extended validation certificates for a safer browsing experience. However 3rd party plug-ins and JavaScript still can pose security threats to the browser.


               Like there isn't anything called a perfect security system there isn’t anything called a perfect browser, and there never will be. Each of the browser discussed above have their own set of pros and cons, and beats the rivals in some aspects. Internet Explorer 10 is a huge transition from the not so pleasant history of its predecessors, and offers rich set of features to maximize your security online. Its malware detection system is able to detect and block 99.1% of the known malware as revealed by NSS Labs. No other browser comes even closer to that margin, with chrome following from a distant scoring 70.4%. However when blocking phishing URLs is concerned, chrome excels ahead of the rivals. Firefox too offers decent set of security features along with its automatic updates in order to keep the users safe. Whatever the browser you’d be using, understanding that security flaws do exist with any kind of system and sticking to the latest versions of the applications and installing security updates and patches recommended by the manufacturer are important for a secure online experience.

Facebook Chat Codes(NEW)

Facebook Chat Codes-Try Them On fb Chat Box!

Facebook Chat Codes-Try Them On fb Chat Box!

Hi friends here in this post i have collected a wide range of chat codes around the net to help you amaze your friends by sending Pictures,Art,Designs,Emotions,etc. on Facebook Chat.

How to use:
Just copy the code below each pic on this page to the fb chat box and hit ENTER. That's it! Feel the Magic!

More codes will be updated, So bookmark this page or Ctrl+D for future use!

Other Facebook Tricks:

  1. Facebook Trick: Update Your Status In Blue Colour.
  2. Flipped Text Generator ʎuunɟ.

              Use this chat codes only with those persons who are using computer to chat with you and not phones, Because many phones wont convert these codes into pics. And don't forget to hit the "+1"button on the right or to comment if you found this useful. Thanks!

    We would like to add more and more codes, So some suggestion from you side (on what type of emotions or pictures you are expecting) would light up our thoughts in making them :) So Tell your suggestions on the comment box below.

    Gangnam Style:

    [[620904854595761]] [[620904791262434]] [[620904841262429]] [[620904777929102]] [[620904844595762]] [[620905067929073]]
    [[620905061262407]] [[620905071262406]] [[620905047929075]] [[620905051262408]] [[620905221262391]] [[620905231262390]]
    [[620905237929056]] [[620905211262392]] [[620905234595723]] [[620905417929038]] [[620905407929039]] [[620905411262372]]
    [[620905384595708]] [[620905387929041]] [[620905487929031]] [[620905471262366]] [[620905474595699]] [[620905494595697]]


    [[620907151262198]] [[620907157928864]] [[620907111262202]] [[620907114595535]]
    [[620907161262197]] [[620907234595523]] [[620907227928857]] [[620907271262186]]
    [[620907274595519]] [[620907267928853]] [[620907377928842]] [[620907351262178]]
    [[620907384595508]] [[620907347928845]] [[620907374595509]] [[620907541262159]]
    [[620907494595497]] [[620907551262158]] [[620907491262164]] [[620907544595492]]

    Funny Face:

    [[444465212256326]] [[444465218922992]] [[444465208922993]] [[444465215589659]] [[444465205589660]]
    [[444465298922984]] [[444465415589639]] [[444465412256306]] [[444465408922973]] [[444465405589640]]
    [[444465418922972]] [[444465505589630]] [[444465555589625]] [[444465548922959]] [[444465558922958]]
    [[444465562256291]] [[444465565589624]] [[444465652256282]] [[444465648922949]] [[444465655589615]]


    [[190350121060720]] [[190350151060717]] [[190350224394043]] [[190350264394039]] [[190350274394038]] [[190350321060700]] [[190350337727365]]
    [[190350524394013]] [[190350544394011]] [[190350651060667]] [[190350811060651]] [[190350824393983]] [[190350837727315]] [[190350851060647]]
    [[190351834393882]] [[190351844393881]] [[190354824393583]] [[190354847726914]] [[190354857726913]] [[190356574393408]]
    [[190357747726624]] [[190357764393289]] [[190357774393288]] [[190359411059791]] [[190359441059788]] [[190359467726452]]
    [[190365544392511]] [[190368041058928]] [[190368054392260]] [[190368067725592]] [[190370207725378]] [[190370234392042]]
    [[190370834391982]] [[190370844391981]] [[190373951058337]] [[190373964391669]] [[190373981058334]] [[190373987725000]]
    [[190374151058317]] [[190374177724981]] [[190374184391647]] [[190374207724978]] [[190374234391642]] [[190374251058307]]
    [[190374704391595]] [[190374731058259]] [[190374761058256]] [[190374781058254]] [[190374787724920]] [[190374814391584]]


    [[620873361265577]] [[620873311265582]] [[620873354598911]] [[620873314598915]] [[620873351265578]]
    [[620873614598885]] [[620873617932218]] [[620873611265552]] [[620873567932223]] [[620873547932225]]
    [[620873897932190]] [[620873887932191]] [[620873797932200]] [[620873807932199]] [[620873894598857]]
    [[620873987932181]] [[620874097932170]] [[620873984598848]] [[620874084598838]] [[620874104598836]]


    [[620884341264479]] [[620884337931146]] [[620884261264487]] [[620884254597821]] [[620884344597812]]
    [[620884491264464]] [[620884494597797]] [[620884487931131]] [[620884501264463]] [[620884511264462]]
    [[620884587931121]] [[620884634597783]] [[620884617931118]] [[620884621264451]] [[620884591264454]]
    [[620884887931091]] [[620884851264428]] [[620884847931095]] [[620884881264425]] [[620884871264426]]
    [[620885027931077]] [[620885014597745]] [[620885031264410]] [[620885007931079]] [[620885011264412]]


    [[181933401975693]] [[181933348642365]] [[181933358642364]] [[181933398642360]] [[181933408642359]]
    [[181933785308988]] [[181933668642333]] [[181933781975655]] [[181933665309000]] [[181933778642322]]
    [[181934008642299]] [[181933918642308]] [[181933998642300]] [[181933921975641]] [[181934001975633]]
    [[181934188642281]] [[181934235308943]] [[181934241975609]] [[181934185308948]] [[181934238642276]]
    [[181934431975590]] [[181934411975592]] [[181934435308923]] [[181934408642259]] [[181934405308926]]

    Stop That!

    [[181851271983906]] [[181851221983911]] [[181851268650573]] [[181851275317239]] [[181851218650578]]
    [[181851365317230]] [[181851345317232]] [[181851348650565]] [[181851368650563]] [[181851361983897]]
    [[181851471983886]] [[181851468650553]] [[181851445317222]] [[181851451983888]] [[181851448650555]]
    [[181851588650541]] [[181851581983875]] [[181851541983879]] [[181851578650542]] [[181851545317212]]

    Iam Famous!

    [[542394375796798]] [[542394369130132]] [[542394379130131]] [[542394339130135]] [[542394342463468]]
    [[542394469130122]] [[542394472463455]] [[542394429130126]] [[542394425796793]] [[542394452463457]]
    [[542394582463444]] [[542394589130110]] [[542394585796777]] [[542394565796779]] [[542394569130112]]
    [[542394675796768]] [[542394662463436]] [[542394659130103]] [[542394682463434]] [[542394665796769]]
    [[542394762463426]] [[542394782463424]] [[542394759130093]] [[542394795796756]] [[542394779130091]]


    [[221104937969051]] [[221104957969049]] [[221104991302379]] [[221104997969045]] [[221105011302377]] 
    [[221105024635709]] [[221105037969041]] [[221105047969040]] [[221105074635704]] [[221105084635703]] 
    [[221105101302368]] [[221105117969033]] [[221105147969030]] [[221105157969029]] [[221105177969027]] 
    [[221105197969025]] [[221105211302357]] [[221105221302356]] [[221105227969022]] [[221105237969021]] 
    [[221105244635687]] [[221105264635685]] [[221105287969016]] [[221105297969015]] [[221105317969013]]

    Flip The Table:

    [[272162976174191]] [[272162996174189]] [[272163009507521]] [[272163029507519]] [[272163039507518]]
    [[272163052840850]] [[272163069507515]] [[272163096174179]] [[272163116174177]] [[272163149507507]]
    [[272163162840839]] [[272163169507505]] [[272163189507503]] [[272163199507502]] [[272163209507501]]
    [[272163222840833]] [[272163236174165]] [[272163259507496]] [[272163279507494]] [[272163299507492]]
    [[272163309507491]] [[272163332840822]] [[272163359507486]] [[272163372840818]] [[272163382840817]]

    Good Bye And Fly:

    [[204315512992982]] [[204315529659647]] [[204315549659645]] [[204315562992977]] [[204315579659642]] [[204315589659641]]
    [[204315602992973]] [[204315632992970]] [[204315656326301]] [[204315679659632]] [[204315692992964]] [[204315706326296]]
    [[204315722992961]] [[204315732992960]] [[204315739659626]] [[204315762992957]] [[204315776326289]] [[204315786326288]]
    [[204315796326287]] [[204315806326286]] [[204315829659617]] [[204315842992949]] [[204315852992948]] [[204315869659613]]
    [[204315879659612]] [[204315899659610]] [[204315909659609]] [[204315939659606]] [[204315959659604]] [[204315999659600]]
    [[204316009659599]] [[204316022992931]] [[204316039659596]] [[204316046326262]] [[204316069659593]] [[204316076326259]]

    Don't Miss: How To Get Free Mobile Recharge?

    I Love You!

    [[542400762462826]] [[542400765796159]] [[542400745796161]] [[542400742462828]] [[542400769129492]]
    [[542400895796146]] [[542400942462808]] [[542400899129479]] [[542400952462807]] [[542400939129475]]
    [[542401125796123]] [[542401119129457]] [[542401102462792]] [[542401109129458]] [[542401099129459]]
    [[542401269129442]] [[542401329129436]] [[542401332462769]] [[542401272462775]] [[542401322462770]]
    [[542401582462744]] [[542401572462745]] [[542401622462740]] [[542401629129406]] [[542401625796073]]

    I Think!

    [[445693655466815]] [[445693662133481]] [[445693658800148]] [[445693665466814]] [[445693668800147]]
    [[445693775466803]] [[445693765466804]] [[445693772133470]] [[445693858800128]] [[445693842133463]]
    [[445693852133462]] [[445693845466796]] [[445693855466795]] [[445693955466785]] [[445693952133452]]
    [[445693958800118]] [[445694042133443]] [[445694028800111]] [[445694032133444]] [[445694038800110]]
    [[445694035466777]] [[445694122133435]] [[445694125466768]] [[445694118800102]] [[445694115466769]]


    [[204330862991447]] [[204330879658112]] [[204330892991444]] [[204330902991443]] [[204330916324775]] [[204330946324772]] [[204330952991438]]
    [[204330976324769]] [[204330982991435]] [[204330999658100]] [[204331016324765]] [[204331029658097]] [[204331036324763]] [[204331049658095]]
    [[204331059658094]] [[204331072991426]] [[204331096324757]] [[204331109658089]] [[204331139658086]] [[204331156324751]] [[204331166324750]]
    [[204331182991415]] [[204331202991413]] [[204331219658078]] [[204331239658076]] [[204331249658075]] [[204331266324740]] [[204331289658071]]
    [[204331312991402]] [[204331319658068]] [[204331329658067]] [[204331359658064]] [[204331366324730]] [[204331376324729]] [[204331389658061]]
    [[204331402991393]] [[204331409658059]] [[204331422991391]] [[204331432991390]] [[204331439658056]] [[204331459658054]] [[204331472991386]]
    [[204331489658051]] [[204331509658049]] [[204331532991380]] [[204331559658044]] [[204331569658043]] [[204331596324707]] [[204331606324706]]


    [[293997730635447]] [[293997767302110]] [[293997777302109]] [[293997787302108]] [[293997790635441]]
    [[293997800635440]] [[293997810635439]] [[293997820635438]] [[293997837302103]] [[293997863968767]]
    [[293997870635433]] [[293997897302097]] [[293997913968762]] [[293997943968759]] [[293997960635424]]
    [[293997973968756]] [[293998003968753]] [[293998027302084]] [[293998043968749]] [[293998113968742]]
    [[293998137302073]] [[293998150635405]] [[293998163968737]] [[293998197302067]] [[293998213968732]]


    [[445695268799987]] [[445695258799988]] [[445695255466655]] [[445695252133322]]
    [[445695265466654]] [[445695342133313]] [[445695412133306]] [[445695418799972]]
    [[445695422133305]] [[445695408799973]] [[445695425466638]] [[445695525466628]]
    [[445696558799858]] [[445696568799857]] [[445696562133191]] [[445696572133190]]
    [[445696555466525]] [[445696712133176]] [[445696718799842]] [[445696715466509]]

    OMG What's That:

    [[144040165708723]] [[144040179042055]] [[144040199042053]] [[144040215708718]] [[144040229042050]] [[144040239042049]] [[144040255708714]]
    [[144040272375379]] [[144040302375376]] [[144040312375375]] [[144040332375373]] [[144040342375372]] [[144040355708704]] [[144040385708701]]
    [[144040399042033]] [[144040409042032]] [[144040435708696]] [[144040459042027]] [[144040475708692]] [[144040485708691]] [[144040512375355]]
    [[144040532375353]] [[144040545708685]] [[144040552375351]] [[144040569042016]] [[144040592375347]] [[144040619042011]] [[144040635708676]]
    [[144040652375341]] [[144040672375339]] [[144040715708668]] [[144040722375334]] [[144040745708665]] [[144040755708664]] [[144040785708661]]

    Da Dum Tsss!

    [[272168252840330]] [[272168266173662]] [[272168279506994]] [[272168289506993]]
    [[272168306173658]] [[272168316173657]] [[272168336173655]] [[272168349506987]]
    [[272168359506986]] [[272168369506985]] [[272168379506984]] [[272168386173650]]
    [[272168396173649]] [[272168406173648]] [[272168429506979]] [[272168436173645]]


    [[444847348884779]] [[444847352218112]] [[444847345551446]] [[444847355551445]] [[444847342218113]]
    [[444847428884771]] [[444847602218087]] [[444847598884754]] [[444847592218088]] [[444847605551420]]
    [[444847595551421]] [[444847682218079]] [[444848558884658]] [[444848572217990]] [[444848568884657]]
    [[444848565551324]] [[444848562217991]] [[444848662217981]] [[444848658884648]] [[444848655551315]]


    [[272107609513061]] [[272107626179726]] [[272107646179724]] [[272107652846390]]
    [[272107682846387]] [[272107706179718]] [[272107716179717]] [[272107726179716]]
    [[272107736179715]] [[272107752846380]] [[272107769513045]] [[272107782846377]]
    [[272107796179709]] [[272107809513041]] [[272107826179706]] [[272107832846372]]
    [[272107852846370]] [[272107866179702]] [[272107882846367]] [[272107892846366]]

    You Don't Say!

    [[204338849657315]] [[204338862990647]] [[204338869657313]] [[204338879657312]] [[204338889657311]] [[204338899657310]]
    [[204338912990642]] [[204338936323973]] [[204338946323972]] [[204338956323971]] [[204338969657303]] [[204338986323968]]
    [[204338992990634]] [[204338999657300]] [[204339006323966]] [[204339022990631]] [[204339036323963]] [[204339042990629]]
    [[204339052990628]] [[204339072990626]] [[204339082990625]] [[204339109657289]] [[204339122990621]] [[204339136323953]]
    [[204339142990619]] [[204339152990618]] [[204339162990617]] [[204339169657283]] [[204339186323948]] [[204339196323947]]

    Hello Kitty:

    [[200728970016469]] [[200728980016468]] [[200729010016465]] [[200729023349797]] [[200729040016462]]
    [[200729073349792]] [[200729083349791]] [[200729110016455]] [[200729123349787]] [[200729133349786]]
    [[200729143349785]] [[200729170016449]] [[200729186683114]] [[200729206683112]] [[200729230016443]]
    [[200729243349775]] [[200729263349773]] [[200729293349770]] [[200729310016435]] [[200729333349766]]
    [[200729346683098]] [[200729380016428]] [[200729406683092]] [[200729433349756]] [[200728946683138]]

    Mood Off:

    [[200347806721252]] [[200347816721251]] [[200347836721249]] [[200347843387915]] [[200347853387914]]
    [[200347863387913]] [[200347876721245]] [[200347896721243]] [[200347906721242]] [[200347913387908]]
    [[200347923387907]] [[200347940054572]] [[200347963387903]] [[200347990054567]] [[200348013387898]]
    [[200348026721230]] [[200348040054562]] [[200348050054561]] [[200348060054560]] [[200348083387891]]
    [[200348103387889]] [[200348116721221]] [[200348126721220]] [[200348140054552]] [[200347773387922]]

    Super Mario:

    [[306889276022173]] [[306889329355501]] [[306889342688833]] [[306889366022164]]
    [[306889399355494]] [[306889416022159]] [[306889429355491]] [[306889449355489]]
    [[306889499355484]] [[306889516022149]] [[306889539355480]] [[306889566022144]]
    [[306889582688809]] [[306889609355473]] [[306889632688804]] [[306889649355469]]
    [[306889656022135]] [[306889676022133]] [[306889712688796]] [[306889769355457]]
    [[306889789355455]] [[306889802688787]] [[306889832688784]] [[306889852688782]]
    [[306889866022114]] [[306889879355446]] [[306889896022111]] [[306889909355443]]
    [[306889922688775]] [[306889939355440]] [[306889976022103]] [[306890006022100]]

    F**k You!

    [[291245247589152]] [[291245257589151]] [[291245274255816]] [[291245314255812]]
    [[291245350922475]] [[291245370922473]] [[291245404255803]] [[291245440922466]]
    [[291245480922462]] [[291245500922460]] [[291245537589123]] [[291245550922455]]
    [[291245580922452]] [[291245587589118]] [[291245597589117]] [[291245607589116]] [[291245620922448]]
    [[291245644255779]] [[291245660922444]] [[291245670922443]] [[291245697589107]] [[291245720922438]]

    Middle Finger 1:

    [[311455472226223]] [[311455502226220]] [[311455518892885]] [[311455538892883]] [[311455562226214]] [[311455588892878]] [[311455602226210]] [[311455638892873]] [[311455655559538]] [[311455682226202]] [[311455702226200]] [[311455718892865]] [[311455755559528]] [[311455775559526]] [[311455785559525]] [[311455795559524]] [[311455812226189]] [[311455822226188]] [[311455845559519]] [[311455872226183]] [[311455888892848]] [[311455898892847]] [[311455915559512]] [[311455938892843]] [[311455952226175]] [[311455975559506]] [[311455995559504]] [[311456002226170]] [[311456012226169]] [[311456025559501]] [[311456042226166]] [[311456058892831]] [[311456088892828]] [[311456105559493]] [[311456135559490]] [[311456155559488]] [[311456175559486]] [[311456188892818]] [[311456215559482]] [[311456225559481]] [[311456255559478]] [[311456272226143]] [[311456285559475]] [[311456302226140]] [[311456325559471]] [[311456348892802]] [[311456362226134]] [[311456382226132]] [[311456392226131]] [[311456415559462]] [[311456428892794]] [[311456448892792]] [[311456465559457]] [[311456478892789]] [[311456495559454]] [[311456515559452]] [[311456535559450]] [[311456562226114]] [[311456582226112]] [[311456608892776]] [[311456628892774]] [[311456642226106]] [[311456655559438]] [[311456685559435]] [[311456695559434]] [[311456722226098]] [[311456745559429]] [[311456755559428]] [[311456778892759]] [[311456788892758]] [[311456815559422]] [[311456835559420]] [[311456852226085]] [[311456858892751]] [[311456892226081]] [[311456905559413]] [[311456935559410]] [[311456982226072]] [[311457022226068]] [[311457045559399]] [[311457065559397]] [[311457078892729]] [[311457098892727]] [[311457132226057]] [[311457145559389]] [[311457162226054]] [[311457195559384]] [[311457222226048]] [[311457242226046]] [[311457258892711]] [[311457285559375]] [[311457298892707]] [[311457312226039]] [[311457335559370]] [[311457348892702]] [[311457372226033]] [[311457385559365]] [[311457405559363]] [[311457428892694]] [[311457442226026]]

    Codes for letters:

    Join then togethor to form a word!

    [[107015582669715]] = A
    [[116067591741123]] = B
    [[115602405121532]] = C
    [[112542438763744]] = D
    [[115430438474268]] = E
    [[109225112442557]] = F
    [[111532845537326]] = G
    [[111356865552629]] = H
    [[109294689102123]] = I
    [[115636698451811]] = J
    [[116651741681944]] = K
    [[115807951764667]] = L
    [[106596672714242]] = M
    [[108634132504932]] = N
    [[116564658357124]] = O
    [[111669128857397]] = P
    [[107061805996548]] = Q
    [[106699962703083]] = R
    [[115927268419031]] = S
    [[112669162092780]] = T
    [[108983579135532]] = U
    [[107023745999320]] = V
    [[106678406038354]] = W
    [[116740548336581]] = X
    [[112416755444217]] = Y
    [[266247740097586]] = Z

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